Praise Report. Or something of that nature.

I had no intentions of writing another post this quickly but something extremely wonderful (in my opinion) just occurred and I’d like to share before the details become vague. Actually, I’m just happy about the whole experience 🙂

So here we go..

As with most social networking sites, we become somewhat invested in the lives of our followers and vice versa. We build friendships. We share inspiration. We share our trials & burdens. We share a little bit (in some cases, a lot) of ourselves and our lives.

It is no different with Instagram, an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service. Instagram allows you to share tidbits of your life and interests through photos. Some of these photos happen to be presented with quotes intended to inspire and motivate.

Since I am THEE quote junkie, I post quotes on a regular basis (in fact you might find that most of my posts consists of inspirational/motivational/spiritual quotes) and I also find great pleasure in “following” users with the same passion.

One of my followers (we’ll call her “B.E.” to maintain her anonymity), happens to be a young entrepreneur who hosts her own talk show. I am not familiar with all the details of her business or craft but through her posts, I have come to realize how passionate she is about her dreams and her vision (hence, me following her).

Anywho, this morning while “scrolling down my timeline”, I came across a post by B.E. with a motivational quote. Nothing out of the ordinary about that because she usually posts motivational quotes. So I read her post, determined that it did something positive for my spirit, clicked the “like” button and kept it scrolling (so to speak).

Something in my spirit spoke to me. “You should leave a comment”. I disregarded the voice and kept it scrolling.

A few minutes later, while scrolling through (Instagram or IG as we “professional instagrammers” call it has a way of becoming addictive if you allow it), I came across B.E.’s post again. The voice spoke, “Leave a comment. Write a word of encouragement”. I disregarded the voice, once again and guess what? I kept it scrolling.

On the third instance that I came across the post, I decided I had not perused B.E.’s page in a quite some time so I clicked on her page to see if I had missed any recent posts. After taking a quick scan of her most recent posts, clicking the “like” button a few times, I figured I had done enough perusing and that it was time to get back to scrolling.

But now my heart was heavy, the voice inside had gotten louder and was now insisting that I left a word of encouragement on B.E.’s page. What do I say? What should I do? I don’t know her personal story so how can I craft a message to suit her specifically? The questions kept coming but I quieted the voice of doubt and began typing the words out on the tiny keyboard of my iPhone.

The comment read as follows:

“It’s really on my heart this morning to tell you to stay focused on the God given vision you have. You might get doors closed in your face but God opens doors (and windows) that no (wo)man can close. People might not understand your dreams but don’t let that stop you. Your dream will come into fruition at the appointed time. ‘There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.’ Be Blessed”

Where did that come from? Only God knows. Those words I wrote were directly from him.

I was reminded of the story of Moses in Exodus. When God called Moses to do his good work and free his people, Moses was fearful that he would not know what to say but God quieted his fears and responded saying “Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say” (Exodus 4:12)

Today I had a “Moses moment”. God spoke through me. He quieted my fears and spoke through me. How amazing is that? Pretty darn amazing if I may say so myself! 🙂

I know it was God’s handiwork because of B.E.’s response. She was so happy to have received the message. Apparently, she had been “teetering on the edge of self doubt” about her passion and God used me to give her words of encouragement to quiet her self doubt and silence the spirit of fear in her.

Not only was she blessed by the encouragement I left on her page, but I was blessed because I was reminded in no uncertain terms.. When God speaks to your heart, LISTEN and FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS.

What a blessing! I began the day with the intention to have a good day and through positive intention, a positive attitude, and a dose of divine intervention, my day is off to a wonderful start.

It is a blessing to spread encouragement. It is a blessing to be an instrument of God. It is a blessing to be a messenger of the Most High. It just a blessing to be a blessing. So Be Blessed be-YOU-ti-ful people!

I truly hope this post blesses you today!

Peace, Love & Blessings..

From lionesssontherise

Be Silent